Date: 17 February 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Ocean Financial Centre
Singapore 049315
Join us for a casual morning with light snacks!
Learn about the interest rates outlook in 2024!
And its impact on REITs, bond funds, and 60-40 portfolios!

16 September,
QIF 2021 Profiting In Clarity In Investing & Trading
The third webinar of our Quantitative Investing Festival 2021 (QIF 2021) jointly with iFAST Global Markets. In this webinar, Ou Da Wei, senior investment adviser from iFAST Global Markets, shares his investment philosophy.
18 September,
QIF 2021 Trading Volatility
The fourth webinar of our Quantitative Investing Festival 2021 (QIF 2021) jointly with iFAST Global Markets. In this webinar, we introduced volatility as an asset class and how it is a good diversifier in a portfolio.
21 September,
QIF 2021 The 'All Weather' Strategy
The fifth webinar of our Quantitative Investing Festival 2021 (QIF 2021) jointly with iFAST Global Markets. In this webinar, we introduced an established quantiative asset allocation strategy known as Risk Parity.

23 September,
QIF 2021 For The New Investors
The sixth webinar of our Quantitative Investing Festival 2021 (QIF 2021). In this webinar, Ou Da Wei, Senior Adviser from iFAST Global Markets, talks about the key ingredients that makes one a successful investor.

25 September,

QIF 2021 Start Your Hedge Fund Strategy
The seventh webinar of our Quantitative Investing Festival 2021 (QIF 2021). In this webinar, Patrick Ling shares how you can generate recurrent income for retirement using the multi-strategy portfolio.
28 September,
QIF 2021 Perpetual Income From Hedge Fund Strategy
The eighth webinar of our Quantitative Investing Festival 2021 (QIF 2021). Patrick Ling, talks about how you can use a multi-strategy portfolio to generate perpetual income for retirement while preserving your capital.

30 September,

QIF 2021 How To Achieve Recurrent Incomes
The nineth webinar of our Quantitative Investing Festival 2021 (QIF 2021). Bernard Chan, Team Director from iFAST Global Markets, shares how you can earn a stream of recurrent income like private trust funds.
2 October,

QIF 2021 How Do You Invest 100K
The ninth webinar of our Quantitative Investing Festival 2021 (QIF 2021). AllQuant founders shared their personal investment journeys and greatest takeaways. We also have our students from SUSS presenting their case for the challenge on "How Can You Invest 100K".
3 November,

IBF Accredited 3-Day Course on Quantitative Investing
The is a preview on the launch of our 3-day live oneline course on Quantitative Investing. AllQuant founders shared their personal stories and what they will cover in this power packed 3-day course to build a stable and robust portfolio using quantitative strategies.
AllQuant Coffee Session
Meet the founders of AllQuant and chit-chat over a cup of coffee, facilitated by iFAST Senior Investment Adviser Ou Da Wei. Register your interest and we will make the arrangements.

10 December,
Quantitative Multi-Strategy Investing
An introduction to quantitative investing and how it is different from traditional investing. Webinar sharing includes how our multi-strategy approach navigated the COVID-19 crisis in 2020.

11 September,
QIF 2021 How Professionals See Risk & Return
We kicked off the Quantitative Investing Festival 2021 (QIF 2021) jointly with iFAST Global Markets. In this webinar, we shared on hedge funds, quantitative investing and how professionals look at risk and return.
14 September,
QIF 2021 What Is Quantitative Investing
The second webinar of our Quantitative Investing Festival 2021 (QIF 2021) jointly with iFAST Global Markets. In this webinar, we introduced quantiative investing and how it is different from traditional approaches.